Over 12 years ago, a group of local runners gathered together to discuss running—of course—but we were talking specifically about kids running on this day. Most of us had young kids, and all of us had many friends with kids. But, while we had running groups, clubs, and teams to help keep us motivated and encourage us, these weren’t available for young and up-and-coming runners/athletes. There wasn’t a safe, nurturing, inclusive place or group for kids to discover their “inner athlete” or have “The Most Fun Running Around” with their friends. So, on that day, KRTN (Kids Run the Nation) was born. We planned our first “session” (10 weeks of running fun and instruction) to start on January 16, 2012, at Holly Tree Elementary School. From day one, it was a blast! The kids loved it, and we loved it! The realization came quickly that we run all year for the athletic and health benefits and to be part of an encouraging, healthy community… Why shouldn’t our kids?! We added a 10-week spring session and a fall session, followed by a 12-year journey of running fun! And we’re still running! Now, we run at the beautiful UNCW Track two days each week—fall, winter, and spring. We also hold sessions at Wrightsville Beach Park and Cape Fear Academy! The kids still love it—and so do we! What about those kids who started it all? Many developed into some of New Hanover County’s best athletes in Cross Country, Track and Field, Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, etc. They all met new friends, had fun, and found something valuable to us—an encouraging, non-judgmental community where they could grow, learn, and realize that there is an athlete inside all of us! One of those successful young athletes is my daughter. She started KRTN at age six and now captains the CFA Cross Country and Track and Field Teams. She’s run happily and competitively since and is thrilled with the opportunities athletics has brought her. Our goal: make exercise and fitness fun. Make it the default lifestyle value from an early age. Create a “want-to” run, jump, throw, swim, bike, etc. mentality instead of a “do I have to?” mentality. We’re looking forward to continuing the KRTN journey and helping the next generation of young kids discover their “inner athletes!” Why don’t you join us? It’s a blast!